i am in stasis. good news: mom and I went furniture preview shopping today and --- we (almost) bought a couch. that is, we were in the van and couldn't carry the couch with us and biglots didn't off a purchase plan/hold option. so mom's going back tomorrow morning while i'm off spilling my guts to the shrinky dink.
so the good news: it's a georgous couch--boring color (in between beige and olive) but super soft and long enough to sleep on. and oh, it's $350 (the futon we had picked out at american signature furniture was $300). here's the link (i think)
http://www.biglots.com/Furniture/item.aspx?cid=14&scid=47&iid=4101 there were three couches that i liked, with this being the best. and i'm posting this hoping that no one goes back and buys the next three couches before mom gets there at nine am. yeah, i know, i have issues.
other news: i love my loft bed at ikea. i like the expedit shelving better than the billy bookshelves (including the expedit desk option w/ lack shelves mounted on the wall). there are a ton of cute organizer thingies and i'm just feeling rather hopeful. even though i am then swamped with the wave of worthlessness/guilt/anxiety etc.....
so i'm trying to take it one day at a time. one day for buying the birds new cages/playstands. one day for a bed. one day for a dresser. etc.... my work schedule is changing which causes me anxiety but i think will be for the best. i'm working my balls off. which is hard, what with my not having balls.
carbon had a good poop tonight. tomorrow i get a couch. tings are looking up. next week is the penn conference. i plan to purchase much penn bling.
and then study. cause i'm so scared. so scared all the time. because i want to be so good. and if i'm not good enough (by the impossible standards i set) i don't know if i'll ever be happy. forget finding a boyfriend. that's real far away.