Part 1:
The back story
so, since hong left patricia and I have been leaving at about 3 pm from work. we get all our work done and it is good. so we were under the impression that it was ok from j******* that we go home. leaving at 3pm was really the best thing about my job. it's why i thought i could go work with the feral dog because i was going to have a lot of extra time to fill.
the part with tears
so, yesterday patsy leaves at 3pm. I was reading headlines at the jay leno site so i stayed until around 3:10. bossman had been here all day without saying anything to me. as i get ready to leave (packed up bookbag, purse, walking out) he's like:
'so, could we have a meeting'
'ah, now?'
'yes, now. do you have someplace else to be?'
'well, i'm supposed to be having dinner with my aunt and my mom in about an hour. what did you want to talk about?'
'blah blah blah...let's meet in my office.'
'ok' follows bossman. bossman closes door to office. heart plummets. blood flow to extremeties cut off, blood pours into muscles. heart rate increases. respiration increases. bead of perspiration.
'blah blah blah things are slipping through the cracks about the paper...'
enough of this dialogue. bossman starts by saying that not everything's getting done at work. so i say 'just tell patsy and i what to do, we'll get everything done that we know about but we only know samples, we don't know what you need done for the paper.' so bossman is like 'well, i know that labwork doesn't keep you busy six hours and you're only here six hours' so i'm like "oh, great.' so he goes on and starts complaining about how he doesn't want to be the one to have to initiate all our meetings (uh, i thought that's what bosses were for?) So he wants to meet on mondays. fine with me. he started a lab meeting on thursday two months ago but stopped having it because he was busy (he's such a hypocrite). he says 'ok monday at 3' and i'm like 'could we have it at 9?' because i don't see what the point of wasting a day until the meeting is--if if we meet in the morning i will know what i need to do that whole week and can plan accordingly. so he's like 'fine, meet at nine' at which point i realize it would be better to meet at ten so i say 'actually, if we meet at 10 i can start the label before the meeting' and he's like "fine, we'll have the fucking meeting at 10" (he actually cursed). So i'm look. "ok" And then he goes "i don't want you leaving until 4:30." So i'm like "ok."
so then he's like "well, there are times that i'm here and i think of something and i want to tell you and you're already gone." so i'm thinking: fine, whatever, i'll stay later. you're the boss... And he's going "because i don't really finish my day to day stuff until 3 anyway and that's when i have time to think and then you're already gone" blah blah blah so i'm just sitting there and then he says "i don't run into the same problem with patsy."
So basically bossman wants me to stay late, not the other lab tech (the higher position, better paid one). So then he's like "you remember how vicki used to stay at her desk even if she wasn't doing anything? that's what i want. science doesn't happen 9-3. just the potential for interaction is worth staying for."
so i'm thinking "ok, you want me to stay an extra 1.5-2 hrs so i can sit at my desk with -- you admit it -- my work done for the day so i can be there in case you have an idea and want to tell me to do something or to bounce ideas off of me? right, am i hearing this correctly?"
but of course i'm just sitting there keeping my composure. i'm going to resume GRE studying in the last 1.5 hour of me new day. he also said the lab pays me for 40 hours a week which isn't true, it's a 35 hour a week contract and since i don't take a lunch hour that works out to 9-4pm. which is what i'll be doing. except today of course we have a meeting at 4 pm so we won't get out until 5:30/6pm probably. bite me douche bag.
so i know my leaving at 3 was a damn sweet deal. but what pisses me off it that basically i am being told to stay later so i can be j****'s intellectual sounding board. but he doesn't talk to me, he talks at me so i'm thinking, couldn't i print out a big picture of my face and he could just talk to that? it's not like he cares what i have to say?
and i've been feeling so fucking worthless for the last six months. you remember how 2 weeks ago he didn't even ask what i was doing while he was gone, it was like i was totally unimportant? now it's like "actually, i want you to be here more, you worthless piece of shit." so what the fuck?
basically i will do it because i have to. and i will deal with it. i will study and waste time and go back to a level of inefficiency that will take me until 4:30 pm to finish but fuck man, couldn't you be less of a shitty human being?